Hello world!


 My name is Claudia and I’m a housewife and mother who’s discovered the amazing talent of Adam Lambert! From the first time I saw him on American Idol I knew he was something special. After seeing him live in concert on the American Idol tour recently, I’ve been hooked! Not only is he talented, beautiful and oh-so-sexy,  he’s seemingly gracious and real (let’s hope that doesn’t change!). Adam has brought an excitement back into my life that’s been missing for quite some time! Don’t care if he’s gay…I’m a forty-something wife and mom of two young boys and will be happy just to watch him grow as an artist from the sidelines. The odds of even meeting him some day are slim, but just knowing he’s in it makes the world a better place. That’s enough for me!

I want to share that excitement with you by bringing you news, updates and information about his music and his life through my blog. Please feel free to contact me with any recent pictures, videos, information you might think others would like to see  or read about Adam on this blog. Enjoy!!

Mr. Lambert Makes An Entrance

Mr. Lambert Makes An Entrance

2 Responses to “Hello world!”

  1. Hi Claudia,
    Very happy that you are putting that site together – it takes devotion, as our bb Adam is so creative, so hopefully he will keep you busy updating it all the time… 🙂
    I’ve got almost the same experience and I guess it happenes like that with Adam – from the second I saw and heard him on Groop week (even before Top 36!!!) I knew sth was going on and this year’s AI will be exseptional! and it was, thanks to Adam!!! He brought so much light into my world as well – I feel like a totally different person and for a first time probably in my life – happy with myself! So, yes, I have a lot of thank to do to Adam for all the breathtaking moments he gave me!

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